try this search on


site:*.com intitle:"Thank You For Your Order" intext:Click Here to Download

site:*.com intitle:"Thank You For Your Purchase" intext:Click Here to Download

intitle:Thank you for your Purchase! intext:PLR OR MRR OR Package OR Bonus

intitle:Thank you for your order! intext:PLR OR MRR

intitle:Thank you for your Purchase! intext:PLR OR MRR

inurl:/thankyou*.html intitle:Thank you for your order! intext:Click Here to Download

inurl:thanks intext:"Thank You For Your Order!" "Click Here" filetype:html

intitle:Thank You For Your Order! intext:Private Label

intitle:Thank You For Your Purchased! intext:Private Label

intext:"Thank You For Your Order" intext:PLR

"Thank You For Your Order!" intext:Master Resell filetype:html

"Thank You For Your Order! Your Credit Card Will Show A Charge From"

intitle:"Thank You For Your Order!" intext:download

intitle:"Thank You For Your Order" intext:Click Here To Download Now

intitle:Thank you for your purchase! intext:Click Here to Download

* Order Confirmation
* Order Confirmed
* wso………. short for “Warrior Special Offer”
* wso plr
* wso thanks
* wso thank you
* wso ty
* wso download
* “a charge from clickbank”
* inurl:cbreceipt
* inurl:cbreceipt=
* cbreceipt=
* cbreceipt
* cbreceipt click
* Thank you for your order
* Thank you for your purchase
* Thanks for your order
* Thanks for your purchase
* Thanks for purchasing… [name of the ebook]
* plr thank ty
* A charge from CLKBANK
* A Charge from paypai
* paypai payment or paypai payment confirmed
* paypai Statement
* CLKBANK “save as”
* CLKBANK Download instructions
* CLKBANK “right click”
* CLKBANK click
* Download the latest version of adobe acrobat reader
* “right click” “save target as”
* “right click” save
* “right click” “save file as”
* Click here to download
* “Save target as”
* “Save file as”
* receive future updates
* username is password is
* username: password:
* Members
* Members area
* thank you for your order +download
* Congratulations on your investment.
* Your credit card statement will show a charge
* priv.htm
* priv (no .htm, this will display any files under the folder named priv)
* members
* Your credit card or bank statement will show a charge from
* A charge from CLKBANK
* A Charge from paypai
* paypai payment or paypai payment confirmed
* paypai Statement
* CLKBANK save as
* CLKBANK Download instructions
* cbreceipt or cbreceipt click
* CLKBANK right click or CLKBANK click
* Download the latest version of adobe acrobat reader
* right click save target as
* right click save
* right click save file as
* Click here to download
* Save target as
* Save file as
* recieve future updates
* username is password is
* username: password:
* Members or Members area
* Thank you for your order
* Thank you for your purchase
* Thanks for your order
* Thanks for your purchase
* Thanks for purchasing……
* Order Confirmation
* Order Confirmed
* wso…………….short for “Warrior Special Offer”
* wso plr
* wso thanks
* wso thank you
* wso ty
* wso download
* plr thank
* …and then add the product name on the end of it.
* private
* ebook.htm
* yourebook.htm
* myebook.htm
* ebook.pdf
* yourebook.pdf
* myebook.pdf
* nameofebook.pdf (replace nameofebook.pdf with actual name)
* index.of title_of_ebook.pdf
* shortversionofebook.pdf (if there’s an acronym for the ebook)
* promember.htm
* thankyou1.htm
* secrets.htm
* thankyou.htm
* thank-you.htm
* thank_you.htm
* download.htm
* downloadlink.htm
* downloadpage.htm
* members.htm
* private.htm
* hidden.htm
* downlink.htm
* down-link.htm
* down_link.htm
* download.htm
* downloadpage.htm
* download-page.htm
* download_page.htm
* verified.htm
* paidmember.htm
* paid-member.htm
* paid_member.htm
* verifiedmember.htm
* verified-member.htm
* verified_member.htm
* alert.htm
* alert
* resources
* resources.htm

you will see some of download page...

some example that i found with this method

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

Hope this trick work for you Download any premium ebook for free with google search Thumbsup

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]